Legal notice
In accordance with current legislation, we hereby inform you that the Internet domain is owned by Talleres Juan Lasa, S.A. (NIF: A20082244), hereinafter referred to as “Talleres Juan Lasa” or “the company“, with registered address at Barrio Alegi, 20217 Gabiria (Gipuzkoa), telephone +34 943 88 28 61, e-mail
The main purpose of Talleres Juan Lasa (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller“) is to provide construction services for large metal structures and related activities.
The website located at (hereinafter “the website“) is the property of Talleres Juan Lasa. The person who visits and uses this website is the user of the website (hereinafter “the user“).
Talleres Juan Lasa acts as the “Data Controller” in relation to the processing of personal data (users of the website, requests for information, etc.) carried out through this website. However, in those cases in which Talleres Juan Lasa publishes news and links to external websites or social networks, their function is purely informative, and any processing of personal data that may occur in relation to the content of the news and links and their use by users is not the responsibility of Talleres Juan Lasa.
- Purposes of the website
The main purposes of the website are to publicise, offer and manage the services of the Data Controller, to provide a means of contact, consultation and communication with interested parties, to respond to requests and petitions, and to inform, organise and disseminate the activities and initiatives in which Talleres Juan Lasa participates.
2. General terms and conditions
The user accesses this website on a voluntary basis. Access to this site is free of charge. Browsing this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, terms and conditions of use, privacy policy and cookies policy contained herein. If the user does not agree with these conditions and does not accept them without reservation, they will not be able to use the website.
Access to the website and the use of the information and tools contained therein are the sole responsibility of the user, who undertakes to use them in good faith, in accordance with the law, in an ethical manner and in accordance with their purpose. The user may not make any illegal use of the information and tools contained in the website, nor perform any action that could damage or alter its contents, its operation, the computer systems of the website, Talleres Juan Lasa or other users.
It is forbidden for users to include or transmit any content that is false or inaccurate or that causes or could induce Talleres Juan Lasa, users of the website or third parties to make mistakes. The use of third parties’ personal data without their prior and express consent is prohibited, as is the use of third parties’ identification data to impersonate their identity. The user is solely responsible for any damage caused.
3. Disclaimer of warranties and liability
The Data Controller makes every effort to avoid errors in the content and tools published on the website and reserves the right to modify them at any time. The Data Controller expressly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in the content of this website and for any damage that may be caused by its lack of truthfulness, accuracy or updating.
The website may provide links to other websites or facilitate access to them through search engines or similar tools. The Data Controller does not accept any liability in relation to these linked sites or the results of searches, as it has no control over them, their content, the products and services offered, etc. The purpose of these links is to provide information on other sources of information, so that the user is solely responsible for accessing the content and conditions of use that apply to them. In the case of links to social networks owned by the Data Controller or third parties, these are subject to their own conditions of use.
The Data Controller shall not be liable for any consequences, damage or harm that may arise from the use of this website or its contents and utilities, including computer damage and the introduction of viruses or any type of malicious software. The Data Controller does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements introduced by third parties on the website, which may cause alterations to the physical or logical systems of users but uses the means at its disposal to ensure that this does not happen.
The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or delete the design, configuration and information contained in this website at any time, without prior notice or express justification, if it seems appropriate and at its discretion. The Data Controller shall not be liable for any damage caused by such modifications. However, it will use the resources at its disposal to inform users of such modifications.
4. Intellectual property rights
The intellectual and industrial property rights of this website and the elements contained therein, including but not limited to its pages, sections, structure, appearance, design, screens, the information and tools contained therein, source code, texts, photographs, images, sound, audio, videos, animations, colour combinations, products and services, brands, logos, slogans, etc., are the property of the data controller, unless otherwise specified.
Under no circumstances does access to or consultation of the website imply that Talleres Juan Lasa has renounced, transferred or licensed to the user, for personal or professional use, all or part of its intellectual and industrial property rights. The reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, public communication, transformation or any other activity that may be carried out with the contents and utilities of this website is prohibited, except with the prior, express and written authorisation of the Data Controller.
The user undertakes not to carry out any action that may damage the property of the website and its contents. Unauthorised use of the information and utilities contained in the website, as well as any damage caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of Talleres Juan Lasa or, where applicable, other owners, may give rise to the corresponding legal actions and, where applicable, to the liabilities arising from such actions, including those of a financial nature.
5. Validity and modifications
Talleres Juan Lasa reserves the right to modify these conditions at its own discretion, either to adapt them to changes in legislation or to carry out any other type of update or improvement. These modifications will take effect as soon as they are published on the website. The relationship with users will be governed by the rules in force at the time of access to the website. Talleres Juan Lasa therefore recommends that you read these conditions each time you connect to the website.
6. Jurisdiction
The relationship established between Talleres Juan Lasa and the user shall be governed by the provisions of current legislation on applicable law and competent jurisdiction. However, in cases where the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, the Data Controller and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa).
Talleres Juan Lasa will pursue any violation of these terms and conditions, as well as any misuse of the contents and tools presented on its website, exercising all the civil and criminal actions to which it is entitled by law, including those of a financial nature.

At JUAN LASA Steelworks, we've been dedicated to excellence in the construction of medium and heavy steel parts for half a century.
Trust us to be your partner and let's build a stronger future together.
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